Obtaining Medical Records

Conciliation involving a VWA Agent

A 'Request for Medical Report Form' will be supplied to the person who requested Conciliation once the request has been lodged. For medical related matters this is to be signed  and dated by you and given to your treating health practitioner.

This form gives your treating health practitioner permission to provide a medical report to the ACCS and VWA Agent and plays a vital role in the Conciliation process. The VWA Agent will pay the reasonable cost of the medical reports.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the reports are provided to the ACCS well before your conference date.

The Conciliation Service or the VWA Agent cannot follow  up Treating Health Practitioners for medical reports.

Conciliation involving a Self Insurer

For Conciliation involving Self Insurers a 'Health Practitioners Identification form' will be supplied to you once the request has been lodged.

This form will enable you to list all the treating health  practitioners you are currently seeing relevant to the current dispute and is to be returned to the Conciliation Service as soon as practicable.

The Conciliation Officer will then decide which of the treating health practitioners you are to obtain your medical reports from. The Self Insurer will pay the reasonable cost of the medical reports.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the reports are provided to the ACCS well before your conference date.

Who can I obtain a report from?

The reasonable cost of a medical report will only be paid  for by the VWA Agent or Self Insurer if it is provided by one of the  following treating health practitioners;

  • A registered medical practitioner;
  • A registered dentist;
  • A registered optometrist;
  • A registered physiotherapist;
  • A registered chiropractor;
  • A registered osteopath;
  • A registered podiatrist; or
  • A registered psychologist